Monday, May 23, 2011

End of the World Party (Featuring Pretty much everyone) @ VitaminWater Uncapped Live in DC


Holy (pardon the chinese) SHIT-TAKE MUSHROOMS was that awesome as hell.

Yep, that is a female's reproductive system. HELL YES.

And then the singer is randomly PREGGERS. AWESOME. That's gonna be one grooooovin baby, if you ask me.

My two friends, lookin chic as they walk into the 'rave' style basement. Seriously--four floors of absolute, beautiful and non-threatening chaos. LOVED IT.

There was even a photo booth!

SO this music and art installation is apparently happening for the NEXT MONTH (till 6/19, I'm thinking). SO THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO (CAPS LOCK):
THIS IS THE LINEUP OF EVENTS FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. Bookmark this shit like your life depends on it, because it is a really fantastic space, with great art, well mixed drinks, and seriously great people that are as overwhelmed (positively) as you are.

A lot more acts are following up the End of the World party, and trust me, you'll find me at one of them VERY soon. 

The space is huge, and incredible (there's a fucking BALL PIT, man), and everyone is just sooo cool. Didn't found a single douchebag there, and I was there from 10:30pm to 2:30am.
Hope you enjoy the pics! See the album in it's complete form here on my Facebook!


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