Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Bohemian Caverns Photo-Essay

Goddamit, Elijah, stop moving.

D'aww, Bradley! <3

Just so you can get a feel of what every Monday night is like for me now that I live 3 minutes away (WALKING) from U St. Come by, the music's always great.

Tonight I get into DC9 for free to see DC band Bake Sale, Orla Conway, and Like Whatevers. Not really knowing what's happening with them---but it's DC9, it's IN MAH NEIGHBORHOOOOOOOOOOOD, and it's free so deal. 

ALSO this weekend is packed with extra awesome goodies to celebrate my move, and some birthdays, and general 'LETS PARTAY AND GET WASTED' events, so stay tuned. 


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