Saturday, June 4, 2011


VitaminWater Uncapped was shit. Pardon my language.
I don't mean that.
The pardoning.

I developed an incredible migraine that nearly killed  good deal of my soul.

So, alas, I only have a few pictures….

A yummy cup of Stella Artois that may have(?) given me the headache. I was running on empty, and I did scarf down dinner early, AND I had a glass of wine with no trouble later on that night, so I shouldn't blame the beer, only my horrible lifestyle.

Teddy bear chained to the mast?: hilarious, but scary at the same time.

I can't stop appreciating this piece. It's just soo magical in person!

BUT, alas, no fear! I will be off to see the Red Door show that's part of DC Jazz Fest (in the DC Jazz Loft series) tonight! WOO HOO! And I'll probably head over to Uncapped to have a drink, cause it's usually better on Saturdays, and I am headache free and rested. WOO HOO AGAIN.


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