Monday, June 20, 2011

Hold your horses, people, I'm back tomorrow.

A weekend not so much filled with fun, but nice brunches and tonight a night of JAZZZZ. I do have some pictures of VitaminWater Uncapped's last crazy, hazy night (but not alot, since I had to leave an hour later for OTHER REASONS I'D RATHER NOT TALK OF….), so you'll be able to enjoy some.

Oh, alright, I'll post the son of a bitches now. I wish I could've stayed longer----it was hopping, with several DJ's spinning classics and new favorites WELL (might I add), and the crowd got sooooo large every passing half hour.

Brightest Young Things had me hooked with their easy even guide, but this event (and my friend becoming an intern there and working her first event, YAY!) really opened my eyes to how awesome this organization/cluster-fuck of awesomeness is! Hope you guys went, and definitely comment so I can see your photos (I might've bumped into you, haha).

And tonight, I'm seeing a very awesome, but little known weekly act---the Bohemian Caverns Jazz Orchestra! (Guess where, Bohemian Caverns. HERP. DERP.)
I'm excited to see some friends and acquaintances I know that play in the orchestra, so it'll make for a fun fun jazzy night. Keep posted for my venture of tonight and Silverdocs pics, probably Wednesday if I don't get enough time Tuesday night.

are you sick and tired of click a shitload of links to see my content? 
You are?
I'm so, so sorry.
No seriously, I'm not being sarcastic.

Go to my page! It is all my content in one place, so you don't have to search through all the veritable bullshit I put up on the interwebs. Are you pleased? 
I should hope so, darlings.

Take care, and see you soon.


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