Friday, June 10, 2011


Packed weekend, tonight was brilliant, tomorrow better, sunday horrible, and monday a bit uplifting.

We'll see how I manage, right?

So here is the update on my personal Tumblr, *Hot Toddy*. If you don't like cursing, blatant talk of sex, drugs, and violence (jk on the drugs and violence, though I AM a former SSDPer, and marijuana should be legalized…but I digress)…you should only look at the post, and NOTHING ELSE.

For kicks, if you want to see what I'm up to photo-wise check my 365 Photo Project Tumblr and my Flickr, in case you already haven't.

AND CHECK OUT SILVERDOCS RIGHT NOW. SERIOUSLY. The film program this year is mind blowing (as usual), especially since there are soooo many music docs! It's great.

The International Documentary Conference, for you industry folk, is awesome looking too; including Schooldocs and Silver Sessions (WHICH I AM RUNNING WHOOOOT).

SO sit back, relax, and check back here LATE monday night (like, around this time) or tuesday afternoon for the goods. Cheers!


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