Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sprinklers are lovely, but the company and laughs misery brings are forever.

I'm sure you can tell from the title how…lackluster and, well, depressing. I love Silverdocs, and the people of AFI---the incident that happened at the Closing Night Party 
@ the Discovery Buildings Sensory Garden…was all on Discovery. Cause…COME ON.

Well, here are some picks from the
amazing panel Youth Voices panel in Schooldocs on Saturday.

Alan Higueros Marroquin talking about his film 'Illegal Dreams'

Schooldocs (and personal mentor and completely AWESOME human being)
Matt Boratenski

Mohamed Sidibay answering audience questions

The full panel (left to right): Laura Moya, Alan Higueros Marroquin, Courtney Spence, Mohamed Sidibay, Sam Klee, Forrest Penrod, Alessandra Sistrunk, Joyce Chopra.

HOKAY. Now pictures of the Closing Night Party BEFORE the mess I shall not speak of…

That photo booth was EXTREMELY popular, and oh so fun!

The garden in relative peace BEFORE THE STORM.

It honestly was relatively nice.

A little artsy bokeh for ya.

And Discovery Channel's HQ is a gorgeous building…you remember
those Rooftop Party photos from last week?

It's a shame…I only had one sparkling wine and a vodka tonic by 11:30pm, then all the sprinklers went of and me and my friend felt like DYING.

Ohhh, sexy camera man.

But ah well. The festival was great, the drinks were great, and the people I met/met up with were fantastic. I can't believe this was my last year working for Silverdocs,
but I'm kind of glad it is. Now next year they have to booze ME up and make me feel like the special snowflake I am.

On to the next event, shall we?

I don't have anything planned just yet---but don't you worry my lovelies.
I'll make sure you're taken care of.


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Should I just let photos speak for themselves? Hm? Should I? Let's try it…

The Silverdocs International Conference Lobby in the Civic Building, Silver Spring, MD

DSLR Workshop Part 1 with Steve Bognar and Matt Gottshalk

Oh, A. J. Schnack. I am crushing on you so hard.


Hell, so is Ryan Harrington of the Tribeca Film Institute.

Some wonderful ladies from The Batala Pecussion Group. Some fierce, cute, fun chicks playing Afro-Brazilian drums + margaritas + Discovery Channel HQ's rooftop garden = ….


Yummy food from Nando Peri Peri (just a few blocks--and floors, haha--away!).

What a cutie!

So far so good, no? I can't believe it's all done and gone on Saturday!


Expect more updates as I go. Go to this link on Facebook for the full album (don't worry, it's public, but friend me if you like!), and I shall see you all soon!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Hold your horses, people, I'm back tomorrow.

A weekend not so much filled with fun, but nice brunches and tonight a night of JAZZZZ. I do have some pictures of VitaminWater Uncapped's last crazy, hazy night (but not alot, since I had to leave an hour later for OTHER REASONS I'D RATHER NOT TALK OF….), so you'll be able to enjoy some.

Oh, alright, I'll post the son of a bitches now. I wish I could've stayed longer----it was hopping, with several DJ's spinning classics and new favorites WELL (might I add), and the crowd got sooooo large every passing half hour.

Brightest Young Things had me hooked with their easy even guide, but this event (and my friend becoming an intern there and working her first event, YAY!) really opened my eyes to how awesome this organization/cluster-fuck of awesomeness is! Hope you guys went, and definitely comment so I can see your photos (I might've bumped into you, haha).

And tonight, I'm seeing a very awesome, but little known weekly act---the Bohemian Caverns Jazz Orchestra! (Guess where, Bohemian Caverns. HERP. DERP.)
I'm excited to see some friends and acquaintances I know that play in the orchestra, so it'll make for a fun fun jazzy night. Keep posted for my venture of tonight and Silverdocs pics, probably Wednesday if I don't get enough time Tuesday night.

are you sick and tired of click a shitload of links to see my content? 
You are?
I'm so, so sorry.
No seriously, I'm not being sarcastic.

Go to my Flavor.me page! It is all my content in one place, so you don't have to search through all the veritable bullshit I put up on the interwebs. Are you pleased? 
I should hope so, darlings.

Take care, and see you soon.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Holy crap, Darius Jones Trio + The Decemberists, and friggin awesome kettle corn.


Again, I apologize for the admittedly shitty attendance to the events/timely posts I had promised, but I can only chalk it up to being overworked, underpaid, and underpaid, and also underpaid.


*Sigh* now on to the good stuff….

I present the Darius Jones Trio @ DC Jazz Fest's last performance at the 
DIY venue DC Jazz Loft (a.k.a. Red Door).

THIS BASSIST. I don't mean to be vulgar (actually, I really do mean to be vulgar), but I would definitely sleep with him after seeing him play. Hush up, you would too.

Mr. Jones knows how to play his horn to heights and audial contortions that make you giggle and stare in wonder. (Which is exactly what I did.)

I'm sorry, I may be biased but there is just something about Jazz and DC. They go together perfectly. The music just…permeates throughout the sketchy back alleyways and seedy chinese takeout places that have no seats and bulletproof glass….and the Darius Jones Trio, although hailing from Brooklyn (respect), recognized and respected that.

I know it's unfair to say that--but screw it, I have way too much pride in my hometown to back down. It may make me unwise---*shrugs*---
which wouldn't be a surprise to anyone that knows me well. ;-]

I got a kick out of seeing him, and the rest of the trio, get so into the music.
It was truly a religiously musical experience.

The last performance in the DC Jazz Loft series WITHIN the DC Jazz Festival was honestly breathtaking. I must thank FOREVER AND EVER Gio of CapitalBop…I bought a ticket for  last Sunday, and couldn't make it, so he fit me into this show. I am forever grateful.

I can say that this was the second best show I've seen this spring/summer season
(Sharon Van Etten and CAKE both tying for #1,
and Warpaint being 3rd, and now fighting for that spot.)


The Decemberists, that's why, bitches.

Well okay, seats weren't 'in your faise' I admit. But they were fucking free. FREE.

I have good friends.

A little bokeh for your pleasure?...

…To make you forgive me? Hm?

Come see the full album here!

I profusely apologize for lateness, once again. A whole lot has been going on, but don't you worry---this weekend and this coming week will be a killer tidal wave of awesome…stuff.

(Where was I going there?)

Tomorrow is the CLOSING NIGHT of VitaminWater Uncapped Live--meaning sickness to the sick of sickdom. And no, I don't mean migraines. NO MIGRAINES. I mean good music, lots of gin & tonics, and lots of dancin to burn up dem calories.

Then EXTENSIVE Silverdocs Film Festival coverage. I'm serious. Conference pics? You got it. Famous faces? Eh…we'll see. I may work there, but I'm not a magic worker…actually, scratch that, someone told me I was when I was at the office today, BUT STILL--we shall see. Overall fabulous pictures and coverage of smiling faces, awesome documentaries,
and great panels? You bet your ass you got it.

See you later, my dear lovely readers.
I thank you so much for your readership in the field of reading readable content…in this….vicinity.

My lord, I must get some rest.
